Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pre Semester Goals

"I want good grades."

"I am going to apply for an internship."

"I am going to get a job on campus."

"I am going to build a connection with my advisor or professor."

"I am going to..."

Anyone can say they are going to do something over a semester, but it takes a special type of person to be able to set a goal and follow through. For most of you, the school year has already begun. If you're like me, you are impatiently awaiting the third of September to rip open that saran wrap on your textbooks and obsessively use your beautiful Lilly planner. Since that is me, I figure it is time to make my goals. Those four statements up above may "look" like goals, but they are really not. I am very particular when it comes to goal setting. You need three parts: a statement of improvement, a process, then an end result. Throughout this blog I am going to show you an example of my process, show you my semester goals, then provide some tips on how to stick with them throughout the semester.

There are two ways to come up with goals; you can either look into your past or your future. So looking into your past means to look at past semesters and see where improvement could have been made. So maybe you didn't study as much as your should have or perhaps you got a D- (god forbid) and need to retake that class. Looking into the future entails thinking about what you want your end result to be. This could be having a good relationship with the professor or passing with an A. For the example, I am going to look into the future. I will start with a very broad, can apply to anyone, type of example. My statement of improvement is that I want to study more. Your statement should be broad, and realistic to complete in one semester (unless you are making academic year goals.) A few examples of statements can clearly be seen at the top of this post.

Step two would be figuring out the process. This can be as detailed as you want it to be. So back to our example. I want to study more. This is when you brainstorm. I have already brainstormed for you. You're welcome. In order to complete this goal I will plan studying time, keep track of how many hours I study a week, have one night (3 hours) that I spend in the library a week, and attend a study group at least once a week. So now that I have my process it doesn't mean that it is set in stone. Say that there isn't a study group in any of the classes and you are not in the position to make one, in that case you can cross that off your list and put more focus on the other process ideas. Do not be afraid to edit! I am serious. Don't.

Step three, the end result. This could be super similar to your statement. This is basically a less broad version. So you want to study more? A great end result would be something like "study thirty hours a week." See how we started with a very broad statement then narrowed it down to what we want to see by the end of the semester? This is how every goal should be. Now that you understand the way to make goals, I can share my personal goals with you.

Goal 1
Statement: Study more.
Process: Schedule study time. Keep track of study hours. Spend at least, but not limited to, three hours in a night at the library once a week. Join any study groups.
End result: Study 30 hours per week by the end of the semester.

Goal 2
Statement: Start a solid GPA foundation.
Process: Go to professor office hours. Keep school work organized. Keep up with goal one. Take advantage of any resources you can.
End result: Have a GPA of 3.8 or higher.

Goal 3
Statement: Get involved on and off campus.
Process: Go through sorority recruitment. Take advantage of any honors opportunities.
End result: Be part of a chapter and end the semester with at least 15 volunteer hours.

So you've made your goals. How do you stick with them? First, print them off and put them in a place that you see every day. Another great way to keep up with your goals is to do a half way check up. I will actually post another blog about a goal check up sometime in October. As long as you keep your goals in sight, you shouldn't forget them.

Happy goal making!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Masters Programs

I don't have a notebook and a pen next to me, so I am going to use my blog as a notebook. I am looking up masters programs that are at least near me. I have decided, for now, that I am interested in higher education/administration programs.

Northwestern University - Evanston, Illinois
MS in Higher Education Administration and Policy
Total costs for program: $53,625

Indiana State University - Terre Haute, Indiana
MS in Student Affairs and Higher Education
Total costs for program: $19,000

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan
MA in Higher Education with a Concentration in Student Access and Success
Total costs for program: Approx. $22,000?

I have kind of had my heart set on U of M for my grad studies for a while now. But, you know me, things change.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Role Models

This is not a movie review. While I do find the movie "Role Models" to be absolutely hilarious, speaking of which, I left that at your house Nicole, Carissa, and Mo (miss you guys!), this blog post is not about that movie.

I am talking about the people that other people look up to. As children our role models consisted of sport stars, actresses, and SpongeBob SquarePants. We didn't idolize them because of what they did. We idolized them because of what they were: "famous." However, I feel like we all need to grow up at some point. Unless we want to be a professional athlete, an actress, or a sponge, I don't think these role models are idealistic. To me, a role model is someone that we can uniquely follow, while keeping in mind that they should make us want to be the best you you can be. (I know that grammar has got to be absolutely awful, but I have yet to figure out how to avoid double wording.) I'm not saying don't admire Payton Manning or Natalie Portman. One does a lot of good charity work and such while the other has a psychology degree from Harvard. But I feel like you need to tailor your role model to what you want your future to be sort of like.

We need to look for people who are living the lives we want to live- or at least key characteristics that you want to achieve. I personally feel that my role model will be someone I meet in the future. There aren't a lot of history professors or academic advisors that have touched my life yet.

This was kind of short. It was on my mind and I wanted to get it out. I found the following article very helpful. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Who are your role models and why?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Woah. There Is A Lot I Still Need To Accomplish.

So I was sitting here watching the Bachelorette and reading everything and anything I can about the recruitment process and the sororities at EMU and I realized oh shit. I have a lot that needs to be accomplished before I go to school in 6 weeks!
I don't really know if I can call this a blog post. I think it is really a to do list. Oh well.

1. I need to schedule an eye appointment and get new glasses. I know what you're thinking. Kennedy. That isn't hard. But I need to figure out what places take my insurance. Then I actually have to pick one. I feel like I ask my mom where I should go all the time, to the point where I am annoying. But I also don't feel like I have gotten an answer. Ah well. This needs to be done within the next 6 week.

2. I need to make a list with my roommate about what we both need to get for our room. I already have a lot of essentials (due to living in a dorm before) but I don't know when the best time to do this is. I feel like we should wait until we get our actual housing assignment. That way we know where we are living. Is it August yet??

3. After the list is made, I need to get whatever I don't have already.

4. I really need a new wardrobe. When I was going to Penn State, my step father said that they will budget $500 for me to get dorm/apartment/stuff for school. I'm no dummy. I will first use it for just that. But any left overs, it will be a shopping spree for new clothes. I haven't gone shopping for "back to school clothes" since junior year of high school. I still wear clothes from my FRESHMEN year of high school. I really think it is time for a change. I guess it is a little under $500. They bought me the most amazing blue plates.

5. I need to pack. Duh.

6. I need to make a final decision about where I will be working on campus. This is only if I get more offers, of course. I have an offer from dining services. I had an interview (today actually) with housing and residence life. I have an interview coming up for a tour guide position. I have submitted apps for the library, student center, an honors fellow, and a random day care. Ideally, I would love the honors student fellow position and the tour guide position.

7. I need to buy books. The price for my books this fall (so far) are fairly average. Nothing too crazy. But my language book is $200 alone! And it can only be bought from the bookstore. Damnit.

8. I should buy a statement necklace. I don't know why, but I feel like this is a very big deal.

9. I want to have a $0 balance on my credit card before I go to school. I actually want to leave my credit card at home while I am at school so I don't make poor choices.

10. After the summer semester is over, I need to send an updated transcript.

11. I need to make a list of all the shows I watch so I don't fall behind. ;)

12. I need to sign up for recruitment (August 1st)

13. I need to check the ebill (August 8th)

14. I need to do the whole UofM medical sign up thingy.

15. I should schedule a check up with my family doctor just to do it.

16. I need to stop obsessing over going Greek. Seriously.

6 weeks left. Oh my gosh.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Most Awful Feeling Ever: I'm not going to wake up.

As most of everyone knows, I have LVNC. This is a common uncommon heart defect. One symptom of LVNC is sudden death. I have lived with this my whole life. I have known of this symptom for a majority of my life. I live life to the fullest... blah blah blah.

Knowing things does not make them less scary. This probably happens once a year, but I am simply terrified to go to sleep. In high school, I honestly didn't give a shit if it was "my time" or whatever people were calling it. If I died, I died. I didn't have any huge dreams, goal, I didn't have much direction. Yeah, it would suck and I would feel bad that I left my mom and stuff, but that's all I really had to live for- my mom.

Now I am terrified that I won't get to do everything I want to do. It's like, all I want to do in life is live. "Kennedy, that is the corniest thing ever." I know. But seriously,
I want to learn everything about the world wars.
I want to go to Germany.
I want to dye (some of) my hair blue.
I want to graduate with my bachelors.
I want to graduate with highest honors.
I want to graduate with a killer GPA.
I want to finish the masters certificate program at EMU.
I want to be an academic advisor.
I want to graduate with a masters degree.
I want to be a history professor.
I want to graduate with a doctorate.
I want to have a kid, maybe even two.
Then I want to watch those kids grow up.
I really just want to live long enough to complete that list.

I am scared. More scared than I am every other minute of every other day. I mean, I think I am always scared but there is just so much to live for now. God, I am just really fucking scared.

So I am sitting here, terrified to go to sleep, even though I know that the likelihood of me dying tonight is the same as last night and tomorrow night. That doesn't make the words "sudden death" any less frightening. Sometimes I just want to go talk to a psychologist.

This shit is crazy.

I'm Going to be that 80 Year Old Woman...

It has been a while, huh? I just never really have anything new to talk about. So I guess I am going to talk about my awesome summer classes!

So it started when I decided to take statistics. I was scary good at math in the last two semesters (fall 13 and winter 14) so I thought I should keep it up because the class transfers and at that time I didn't know where I was going. Again, I am scary good at this math class. The professor even told me that I am the best... Anyone who knew me in high school knows how backwards this sounds. I took freaking career math and accounting as my math classes senior year. So yeah. Only one more exam then a final and I am done with this class!

When I realized that I wasn't going to get financial aid for taking just statistics, I had to add 3 more credit hours. I was freaking out because it was already the middle of June! How was I going to find summer classes that hadn't started yet? Hello physical education classes!

It will be stupid if I don't get a 4.0 this semester. I have a 98% in my statistics class and my PE classes are BASICALLY pass or fail. We aren't even graded on participation. We are only graded on attendance. I have only missed one Cardio Tone class (due to job interview) and I am only going to miss one more because of a dentist appointment. Then I will do the make up class and everything will be great. 

I love school. I love it so much. I love learning, whether it be about math and sciences, social sciences, physical education, anything! I love learning and I love going to classes. I am going to be that 80 year old woman (heart permitting) in community college because it is free for old people.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Semester Review: Winter, 2014

So I figured it is time for my review of last semester. However, the oven just went off signaling that my taquitos are fully cooked. I'm going to go eat now. Alright. I'm back. So as I was saying, it is time to review my 2014 Winter semester.

Class: Interpersonal Communications (Honors)
Professor: Gene Andrews
Credits: 3
Final Grade: A-
So I really enjoyed the class itself. The professor was funny when he was lecturing. The class organization was fantastic. We were allotted 500 extra credit points to use as we please. The final class project was to make an informative speech about anything we want, I chose the Treaty of Versailles and how it effected Germany. Because I did an honors contract, I did an additional informative speech about the career of academic advising. Now, I put a lot of effort into this class. While I didn't fulfil all the extra credit, I think I ended up with 160, I still worked really hard. The quizzes were the hardest part. So while I am disappointed in my grade, at least I know I did my best. I would recommend this professor. The only problem I had with him was discussing my grade. He is very difficult to talk to, however, he is great at lecturing.

Class: Freshmen Composition II
Professor: Ron Davis
Credits: 3
Final Grade: A
This class was very helpful in the sense that I can use the techniques I learned to write every paper in the future. However, my class started with 30some students. At the end, we had 13. This is because the first month of class was filled with tedious homework. It was seriously the worst homework ever. Now I realize that those assignments taught me how to write in APA format. So they were helpful, but really crummy. I even thought about dropping the class. After that month we wrote three papers. Our final paper had to have a power point presentation with it. So I chose to research how World War One and World War Two could really just be considered as one war. I ended with an A in the class. However, I do not recommend this professor if you don't work hard. This is NOT an easy A.

Class: Modern American History
Professor: Michelle Wright
Credits: 3
Final Grade: A
I love love loved this class. I love history though, so it really isn't that much of a shock. The professor grades you on 5 quizzes, 5 activities, 3 unit exams, a midterm, and a final. You can also drop the two lowest quiz/activity scores. I just didn't take the last two quizzes because I had Aced everything else. The unit exams are pretty simple. The mid term and the final were kinda like short essays to three different questions. You also get to pick the questions. So I don't really need to go on. This class was very easy. I would recommend this professor because this is, unfortunately, an easy A. The professor is great because she makes sure you are on track to pass and prepares you very well for the exams and papers. You do need to read the chapters, but only parts of them.

Class: Modern American Literature
Professor: Lin Marklin
Credits: 3
Final Grade: A-
I am not going to talk about this for long. The professor was unorganized and had a rotten attitude. She would not work with you on how to improve your grade. She did not grade fairly. I hate to say stiff like this, but I deserved an A in this class. I worked hard and my papers were better than my peers who had As. But they were graded on "improvement" which is a really crummy excuse. This professor very clearly did not like me. We have all had one of these teachers. I do not recommend this  professor. Not one bit.

Class: Intermediate Algebra
Professor: Marcus Anderson
Credits: 4
Final Grade: A
I was NEVER a good math student. I was very average- VERY average. Okay, maybe slightly below average. But the professors at KCC have a spectacular system. I have now gotten through beginning and intermediate algebra with high As. This professor is willing to do ANYTHING to get you to pass. He puts his lectures on YouTube and is willing to answer any question you may have. This professor also claims to have the highest success rates among the math professors at KCC. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure. However, I wouldn't doubt it. I would recommend this professor over any other math professor at KCC. I am very excited to take statistics with him over the Summer!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

And The Excitement Grows...

I'm sitting in the living room, a Bar Rescue marathon is playing in the background, I am looking at Michigan university websites (U of M, MSU, CMU, NMU, EMU, etc.) at their job openings. I am specifically looking at their advisor openings. Why am I doing this? Because the qualifications, both required and desired, are listed! I am learning now what I need to do to prepare for the future. I suggest everyone does the same. Go look for open positions in the field you want to go into and look at the requirements, both required and desired!

The other day I was poking around the Eastern website and found myself, again, on the honors page. Every time I look at it I want to do it more and more. I did something I hadn't done before and read the whole honors student handbook. I may be obsessing. What stopped me from applying before was just the laziness. I didn't want to write an essay and I thought I would have to take more classes, extending the length of my bachelor's studying. Luckily, that isn't the case and the essay prompt was not even an actual essay. I just had to talk about myself. How hard is that? So the essay is written. If anyone would like to be a proof reader, let me know! I will gladly send it to you. It's fairly short- about 800 words.  All I am looking for now are letters of recommendation, references, and I'm waiting for my transcript to fully update. I'd like to get the application, letters, and essay sent out to Eastern in two weeks. This is contingent on my transcript being updated and sent out within a week. 

So I'm excited to work as an advisor, I'm exited to be a member of the honors college. I'm excited to start my Eastern Michigan experience!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's A Go

Sitting here in my mismatched green socks, pink polka-dot pajamas, and Logan's ΑΣΦ zippy, bun on my head with mascara running down my face. I promise this is a good thing. After a long, hard, fought battle with universities and financial aid... I think I won.

Today I had an academic advising appointment with a graduate student basically doing what I want to do- Psych undergrad, academic advising masters certificate, and higher ed masters degree. He was very enthused when we started talking. Then he told me I need to work in the advising office. Then he gave me high recommendations. Then he introduced me to some other advisor. Then she told me to email her my resume. So yeah. It escalated quickly.

I went to financial aid. Financial aid does not cover everything. However, I am confident that this first year will be handled well. I got it all planned out, financial-wise.

About an hour ago, I did something that was starting to feel like something that was never going to happen. I registered for Fall classes at a university level. I have sent in my housing application. I have paid for my housing application. I am excited. I am going in blind for roommates... We will see how this goes.

I guess I will finally admit this to the world too... I am very interested in Greek life... Surprise?

Here is the schedule!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Where I'm At Right Now In Reguards to Schooling in the Fall...

I have 2-3 options.

Option One: Go to Western. I have applied. I haven't gotten anything back yet, though. They have my financial aid ready, but I can't see it till I get accepted. I missed the scholarship deadline so that stinks because according to my advisor at KCC, I would have gotten around $7,000 automatically. So I am really waiting to hear from them to make a final decision.

Option Two: Go to Eastern. I loved Eastern. To read more about my feels toward Eastern, read my previous blog post. I have been accepted and I have gotten my financial aid package. Again, I missed the scholarship deadline. The package was less than stellar.

Option Three: Stay at KCC. This has a lot of positives and two really huge negatives. If I stayed at KCC the classes are really cheap and they transfer. I can get a lot of general education out of the way. I would transfer in as a junior. I could apply to other universities earlier and get the scholarships and better financial aid. However, this would not be good for my sanity. I cannot be a 21 year old living in my folks house. I can't. I can't afford to move out and save for college AND pay my collections agency. That is one issue. The other is that I need to have friends again. I swear this lack of social life and friends has been destroying me internally. It is crazy how loneliness can get so dark.

So I am ready to apply to Eastern. I am ready to send in my housing app. I am just waiting on Western to get back to me. If Western has a better financial aid package waiting for me, which I doubt, I will go there. I can't stay at KCC.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Visiting Eastern Michigan University

So we get to the welcome center at 1:45. The room is packed with people. I fill out this sheet of paper that has my information on it. One by one an advisor talks one on one with a visitor. While I wait I notice they break the tours into smaller groups- like, five people. I got a free shirt. So there are two of us left in this room. Lets call the other girl Tabby. Tabby talked to an advisor already. Finally I get called aside and I get some information (that I already got off the internet) about my two majors. The admissions advisor also tells me that I got accepted! Yay! So instantly I ask where financial aid is and if I can go talk to them. She tells me and I end up running by there after the tour. So Tabby and I are the only two people in the tour group.

Our tour guide, lets call her Neem, was very bubbly. She was a sophomore and majors in speech pathology. So we start touring campus and it is actually pretty small. This made me very happy. I like small campuses. It isn't necessarily a "pretty" campus but I love the historical buildings. The honors college is actually the oldest building on campus and it looks amazing. There was also a building on campus that has burned down twice and they rebuilt it. I guess it was because of the chemistry department. Now the chemistry department is in the $90 billion dollar building for science. I also will be taking most of my classes in here because the building also houses psychology. Unfortunately this building is very far away from the foreign language building, where my minor is housed. I am not sure where history is taught. But hopefully I'll find out.

The dorms. Oh the dorms. The freshmen dorms are pretty much exactly like Northern only a little newer looking. The transfer towers are tiny little things. So when I applied for dorms, I actually applied for one on campus dorm that is for transfers and upper classmen but it isn't a tower. And my second and third choice was an apartment that is about a mile away.

At the end of the tour we ended up back where we started, shocker, right? I went to the mini financial aid desk and the worst part of the visit occurred. This financial aid lady told me that my EFC jumped a little over $3000 to about $7,800. It was $4,651. This jump made me ineligible for the pell grant. Needless to say, I was devastated. We filled out some extra documents and then we went to Ikea.

Many hours later after Ikea and getting dinner in Jackson, we were home. In the mail was a letter from Eastern. Hmm. I open it and it is my financial aid package! In my financial aid package was an EFC of $4,651 and a pell grant!! So then I was thinking someone has to be wrong. So I log onto myemich account to see what it says on there. The award letter I got and the myemich account had the same things listed. So I think the woman was wrong. Or whatever she was looking at was wrong. I am actually going back on Thursday to talk to an advisor and to talk with financial aid again.

So I love Eastern. And I am totally okay with being an Eagle. No matter what I was going to end up there. I almost went there instead of KCC anyways. EMU is also the only university around here that offered the masters certificate of academic advising! It was bound to happen. And my cardiologist will love that I will only be a few minutes away.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm Really Bad at It

The only way someone can improve themselves is to know what they either aren't good at or what they are insecure about. I'm not talking about just physical insecurities either. I am concerned about this post because I don't want it to be a "complainy" or a "pity party" post. I don't intend it to sound like either of those. So here goes, the things I need to improve on.

1. Medication. If you know me at all, you know I am really bad at taking medication. It isn't that I am lazy. It isn't that I want to die. The issue I think, stems from when I was younger, around 10, and my cardiologist at the time had me extremely over-medicated. I don't want to say it was traumatizing, but it definitely influenced the way I feel about medication. I am trying to think of a reward system for myself that will motivate me to take it more, and eventually every night. One idea I have is that if I take it all week, I can buy myself a candy bar (dark chocolate because it is heart healthy). And that will just be once a week.

2. Portion Control. I love food. Who doesn't? The issue is that I don't like eating. I know, confusing. The actual act of eating is what I don't like. I am not too sure where this comes from. I'm not talking about eating disorder status though! No need to worry about that. So because of this, I only eat once, maybe twice a day. And when I do, I eat a lot all at once. So what I am trying to work on is getting better portioned separate meals a day.

3. Procrastination. I have had a heart monitor that I'm supposed to wear for 30 days sitting in my room in a box. It has been 2 weeks since my appointment as of Wednesday. I really just need to get my s#!% together. Also, lately with homework, I am not doing it when I could be. But that is a lazy "I am ready for Spring Break" attitude that I need to kick. Once I am back from Spring break, it should go away.

4. Eggs. I tend to put them all in one basket. I mean, I paid my $300 acceptance fee to Penn State before I even knew what my financial aid package was. I don't know why I do this kind of stuff. Maybe there is too much faith or something going on. I do know I am going to be working on looking at things with a critical eye now. I can't just jump for joy when good things happen. I need to analyze what is going on before I make big decisions.

5. Money. On one hand I am really proud of myself when it comes to money, but on the other, I know I need to be more organized and be more aware of how much I have to spend on "fun" before I go crazy. With these new monthly payments for NMU and I took on my own phone bill, I need to think about where which parts of my pay check should go.

So yeah. In order to better yourself, know yourself.

Friday, March 28, 2014

A Big Loss to A New Beginning Pt. One - Plan Under Construction

So in the previous post I talked about how I am not able to go to Penn State anymore and my goals. So now my plan is in shambles. However, I feel that with my advising passion, I am doing a good job at figuring out what's best for me and how I can piece it all back together.

To go along with goal one, academic advising, I have to do a few things. Before I tell you my oober cliché major, I want to explain that this is the major suggested to me by other advisors, as long as I continue my education. So I am going to get my bachelors in psychology. Along with this major, I am minoring in history. I have thought about double minoring in German studies. This is not for certain yet. Anyways! After I get my bachelors, no matter where I study, I have to go back to Eastern and get the Masters Certificate in Academic Advising. On top of that, I am going to get a Masters of Arts in Higher Education. All three of those educational tools will aid me in getting into academic advising. With my Masters of Arts in Higher Education I could use that to become a professor. I will probably take some extra administration classes while I am going through that portion of graduate school. My big goal, becoming an important, decision making, role in University administration. To do this, I want my PhD in educational leadership. Working at a university it is common for administrators to get "discounts" or even pay for classes. So I am going to pay my dues as professor/advisor and take some classes in politics and business while working on my PhD in educational leadership. Then I start working my way up, hopefully. I'd like to complete my final goal by at least age 43. I would be happy. Or at least by the time my own children are about to head off to college.

My biggest issue is where to get these degrees. I could get a bachelors in psychology at almost any university. It just depends on what area of psychology I want to learn. I know Western focuses on behavioral. I can't tell what Eastern focuses on. But I like their program when it comes to what classes I can take. With the history minor, I actually get to take BETTER classes than at Penn State. I can take "the first world war", "Europe since 1919", "Nazi Germany", "American history from 1917-1941", and even "Model UN" so I am very excited. I love love love the world wars and German history. Love. And I could potentially be double minoring in German language. Can I just go there?

For the Masters Certificate in Academic Advising I already know I'm going to Eastern. From my research, I can't find it at another university in Michigan. For the Masters in Higher Education, the only universities I can find it at is the University of Michigan and Central Michigan. Either I would be fine with, however I would prefer UofM because it is in Ann Arbor. Then the final piece of the puzzle: PhD in Educational Leadership. I think Michigan State is pretty much my only choice. It is offered at CMU, but again, don't want to go there.

So as you can see, my plan is in shambles and could change any minute. It depends on job opportunities and costs and place and just so much. It makes me nervous. Like, extremely nervous. But I think I can do it. I have goals. I have an outline of a plan. And I'm determined.

A Big Loss to A New Beginning Pt. One - Goals

So here is the big announcement. I had a difficult evening a couple days ago. I got my "financial aid" package from Penn State. I put "financial aid" in quotation marks because there was little to no aid at all. I gave myself a 10 minute pity party then applied to Western and Eastern (special thanks to my mom for paying for my Western App) and sent out my KCC transcript. While it still baffles me that they wouldn't give aid to a high honors student, I am not upset anymore. I still have my dreams and they are still the number one most important thing in my life.

I still don't think I have made my dreams and my plan very clear. Logan asked me the other night what I was majoring. I give him the benefit of the doubt though because I have changed it often. It was extremely solid, but that was when Penn State was the plan. Now I have a block of ice in my stomach. It never melts. It is just a huge cold chunk of uncertainty in my future. It is probably the scariest feeling I've known to feel.

So while the plan is still uncertain, the dream has been solid for months and it has been growing in passion for years. There are many steps to achieving my dreams. They are like mini goals to an ultimate goal.

So goal number one is to be an academic advisor. I have many people to thank for helping me realize this goal. My mother, she has helped me realize many a thing. Now if only she would let me help her get back into school to get a degree (wink wink). Kyle Mason, for letting me help him when he first started going to Kellogg Community College. Junior VanValkenburg for challenging me. Darci VanValkenburg for letting me help her son, a junior in high school, start thinking about college and about future career paths. Also for her helpful critical eye. Also for helping me come to the realization that I would be a great advisor. Also for her support in everything. She is basically a very important person in all of this. Another thank you to all of the people that come up to me in the student center asking me for help in regards to advisable questions. I really want to be an academic advisor, even just for a little bit. A few years, and I will be happy; however, a longer period of time is more likely and preferred.

Goal number two is to be a professor. Now, doing this alongside advising would be wonderful. Both of these goals could be goal number one. It really just depends on which I am able to get a job in first. Kind of a foot in the door. I see academic advising being more likely, though. When I get to professor status, I would love to teach history. More specifically, world wars or Germanic history. They are my bigger passions when it comes to history.

Goal number three is to work my way up to some leadership roles in a university. I just feel, as a student, that the big guns making the decisions don't make decisions for their students, but for what will make them look good. I am basing this on articles I've read and how I've personally felt. Having the opportunity to be in those decision making roles would mean the world to me. So that's the long term goal.

So when Penn State crapped out on me, I was devastated. That was where my opportunity was. They do so much in-hiring. It was going to be perfect. I am still trying to find the blessing in disguise. After some looking around at Michigan colleges.... Side story: My cardiologist was freaking out about me going out of state... I think I found it. I have pretty much decided I want to go to Eastern or Western. Preferably Eastern, but now it is whichever gives me the better financial aid package.

So I'm on Eastern's website, looking around at all their stuff, and I find an Academic Advising Masters Certificate. It is only 15-17 credits. I'm not going to lie, I was crying. I got this overwhelming feeling of everything happens for a reason. But why do I have to pay for so much failure before something good happens, ya know? Starting to pay off Northern with monthly payments, I paid probably a total of $700 for Penn State's various fees and the trip down there, and now I have to throw my trust and money at other places. Kinda nervous about that. But it will be good. I just really want it to be good.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Overveiw of Semester Two

So Fall (2013) semester ended with a bang. I was really shooting for a 3.9 but I guess I had to settle for a 3.882. My goal is to improve. A 3.9 would be nice, but as long as it is over a 3.882, I will be happy. And I am talking cumulative- not just for the semester. So! Spring semester 2014...

Communications- This class is a direct required transfer class for Penn State. Huge bonus!! It is really a fun class. I would recommend Andrews to anyone who wants to laugh. This is also my honors class... but it really isn't any harder. I just have to prepare one extra speech. No biggie. I currently have 139% in this class. Not too worried about this grade.

Intermediate Algebra- This class doesn't really transfer. It is just a general math credit, however, taking this class prepares me to take the required maths at Penn. I have to take college algebra and elementary statistics for psychology at Penn and I can't do that unless I am already efficient in Algebra. So it is working pretty well. Andrews is an excellent teacher. Oh my gosh. I wish he could just teach me all the math. I have been really lucky with math teachers at KCC. My grade isn't what I want it to be. It is only 94%. I need to get my ass in gear and stay up after I get home from Rite Aid and work on homework. I would love to take his Summer statistics class to prepare me for Penn, but that is only if $500 magically appears. Such a bummer.

Modern American History- I love history. I love it. A lot. This is my other honors class. It transfers to Penn. Woo! This is probably- No. This is my favorite class this semester. It is challenging. It is fun. I retain a lot of the lectures. It is just those darn exams that kill me. I believe my grade is around a 90%. But I am improving. I have noticed my favorite classes are the ones I get my worst grade in. Like last semester, my favorite class was psychology and I only got a 89%. Still stings because that class put me from highest honors to high honors. But it was the class I learned the most from. ANYWAYS- history. I love it. If you have to take a history class at KCC, take it with Wright. She has such a passion and she is so interesting.

English II- Required to graduate from Penn! Woohoo! But it is such a taxing class. I would not recommend this professor if you like to be organized. Or if you want an easy class with a low work load. Some days I feel like I am in a 300 level online class because he doesn't instruct. He just tells us what is due then we learn how to do in online through Moodle. We turn everything in online, too. To turn in a paper you have to turn in an extensive annotated bib, a detailed source analysis, a statement of research, an outline, another outline, a rough draft, a semi-final draft, then a final draft... It gets a bit ridiculous. AND you don't get much choice in topic. I know when I get in higher level classes it will be like that, but come on. It is freshmen English. I complain, but I do appreciate these skills because I feel it will make me a better writer. Oh. The professor is Davis, by the way. I have about a 96% in this class.

Modern Literature- Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. Dumb. I have a 92% because the professor is... A hassle. She is very unorganized. It is too damn easy. I don't feel challenged at all because she is so... Ugh. No one in my class likes the class. It only transfers as an elective. AND there is a really rude, sexist, racist older (like 40) guy in my class that is too damn handsy. I moved to the other side of the class because he was so sexist. So this class, I am going to keep the grade up, but it is so hard when a class feels like a chore.

So in the Summer I am definitely taking sociology. I HAVE to take it. I should take developmental psych but I have reservations about the professor. I would LOVE to take history because I own the book, but it isn't needed and I don't want to waste money. I should take statistics, but you know that from above.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

That Moment When Others Truly Discover Your Passion Pt. 2

Today, I made an appointment with an academic advisor. I still cannot remember why I did it. So two hours later I go in and he asks me what I want to do. I tell him I want to be an academic advisor at a university. He is shocked. I tell him my whole plan and he asks me to hold on a minute and leaves the room. About a minute goes by and he brings four other advisors in the room with him and tells me to repeat everything I just said. So I tell them my story and plan. For the next 45 minutes all these advisors are giving me advice, pointers, words of wisdom, tips, secrets, and basically fighting over me. They wanted me to chose them to help me transition over to PSU. unfortunately, I didn't really nee anyone's help with transferring from KCC. So I thanked them all for their advice and an appointment that was scheduled for ten minutes lasted an hour. I appreciated everything I got from them and I am for sure going to use a lot of the advice!

Early this morning I asked my psychology professor from last semester about the Summer developmental psych professor (a class I need to take) and he said it depends on where I am going and what I want to do. So I told him Penn State and Education/Advising/Psych minor. He freaked out. He didn't even answer my question, but we scheduled a meeting for Thursday morning... He said he has never known anyone from KCC to transfer to Penn State and he wants to help me. So I don't know what I am going to get out of this meeting, but I am really excited because this man is INTELLIGENT. He taught at WMU for a long time too. Really great professor.

ON TOP OF ALL THIS, I got officially accepted into KCC's honors society. Induction ceremony next Thursday! Very excited... if I don't have to work.

Today was just a great ego boost. Amazing. Loved it.

That Moment When Others Truly Discover Your Passion Pt. 1

Alright. So a lot of my close friends and family know this already, but I am totally scary when someone puts me in front of a person who either isn't sure what to do with their life, doesn't know how to get started in school, what classes to take, how to get a degree, what universities are right for them, the list goes on and on. I will sit down with someone for hours and make someone really think.

EVERYONE- okay not everyone, but A LOT of people have told me they don't see me teaching kids. They don' see me teaching elementary, middle school, or high school. And I can understand how they see that. To me it just made sense. I want to help people. I want to make a difference in people's lives. I want to do that without being involved in the medical field. I love social studies. So teaching social studies just made the most sense in my head- not so much in anyone else's.

Last Summer, I sat down with two of my best friends from high school, who also go to KCC, separately and helped them develop plans. During Winter break, I helped one of them make a plan to graduate with a degree and we brainstormed ideas on what he could do with the degree. Last month, I was sitting in a car riding home after helping a high school junior think about college, the importance of ACTs, and a bunch of other common knowledge, but also universities, future planning, made him a comparison chart, and had him take career quizzes, and other fun stuff. The student's mother turned to me and said "Why are you going for education when you were BORN to do what you just did with my son?" Okay. Maybe not EXACTLY those words, but pretty darn close. And I sat there. And I thought. And I thought some more. And I went online. Then I put it aside. Last week, a girl came up to me at KCC and said "Help me, PLEASE." So I sat down with her and she now has a serious plan. The motivation I saw in her eyes was an amazing feeling for me. I did that. And a few days later a new plan was developed.

Most everyone on the planet knows this already, but just for the fun of saying it again, I am going to The Pennsylvania State University in the Fall of 2014. Original Plan: Go. Get my secondary education social studies degree. Go teach secondary education. New Plan: Go. Major in secondary education social studies. Minor in communications. Get my bachelors. Go back. Get a masters degree in higher education with a minor in psychology (NOTE: Psychology and communications may be switched around). Graduate with masters. Have a job lined up in an advising office or as a professor (dream would be both) and go to said job. Study, slowly, for doctorate in leadership in education. Graduate with doctorate. Be department head. Live my dream of advising and also be a professor, hopefully in History, because I love history.

I know a lot of you are thinking that I am crazy. There is no way I could ever possibly do that. If you are thinking that, then you haven't been around me when either A. I am helping a student, B. I am talking about helping a student, or C. talking about history. Words cannot explain the feeling I got when "what about becoming an academic advisor?" entered my brain. It was seriously just so... eye opening. I am more driven than I have ever been before. I am more passionate than I have ever been before.