So Fall (2013) semester ended with a bang. I was really shooting for a 3.9 but I guess I had to settle for a 3.882. My goal is to improve. A 3.9 would be nice, but as long as it is over a 3.882, I will be happy. And I am talking cumulative- not just for the semester. So! Spring semester 2014...
Communications- This class is a direct required transfer class for Penn State. Huge bonus!! It is really a fun class. I would recommend Andrews to anyone who wants to laugh. This is also my honors class... but it really isn't any harder. I just have to prepare one extra speech. No biggie. I currently have 139% in this class. Not too worried about this grade.
Intermediate Algebra- This class doesn't really transfer. It is just a general math credit, however, taking this class prepares me to take the required maths at Penn. I have to take college algebra and elementary statistics for psychology at Penn and I can't do that unless I am already efficient in Algebra. So it is working pretty well. Andrews is an excellent teacher. Oh my gosh. I wish he could just teach me all the math. I have been really lucky with math teachers at KCC. My grade isn't what I want it to be. It is only 94%. I need to get my ass in gear and stay up after I get home from Rite Aid and work on homework. I would love to take his Summer statistics class to prepare me for Penn, but that is only if $500 magically appears. Such a bummer.
Modern American History- I love history. I love it. A lot. This is my other honors class. It transfers to Penn. Woo! This is probably- No. This is my favorite class this semester. It is challenging. It is fun. I retain a lot of the lectures. It is just those darn exams that kill me. I believe my grade is around a 90%. But I am improving. I have noticed my favorite classes are the ones I get my worst grade in. Like last semester, my favorite class was psychology and I only got a 89%. Still stings because that class put me from highest honors to high honors. But it was the class I learned the most from. ANYWAYS- history. I love it. If you have to take a history class at KCC, take it with Wright. She has such a passion and she is so interesting.
English II- Required to graduate from Penn! Woohoo! But it is such a taxing class. I would not recommend this professor if you like to be organized. Or if you want an easy class with a low work load. Some days I feel like I am in a 300 level online class because he doesn't instruct. He just tells us what is due then we learn how to do in online through Moodle. We turn everything in online, too. To turn in a paper you have to turn in an extensive annotated bib, a detailed source analysis, a statement of research, an outline, another outline, a rough draft, a semi-final draft, then a final draft... It gets a bit ridiculous. AND you don't get much choice in topic. I know when I get in higher level classes it will be like that, but come on. It is freshmen English. I complain, but I do appreciate these skills because I feel it will make me a better writer. Oh. The professor is Davis, by the way. I have about a 96% in this class.
Modern Literature- Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. Dumb. I have a 92% because the professor is... A hassle. She is very unorganized. It is too damn easy. I don't feel challenged at all because she is so... Ugh. No one in my class likes the class. It only transfers as an elective. AND there is a really rude, sexist, racist older (like 40) guy in my class that is too damn handsy. I moved to the other side of the class because he was so sexist. So this class, I am going to keep the grade up, but it is so hard when a class feels like a chore.
So in the Summer I am definitely taking sociology. I HAVE to take it. I should take developmental psych but I have reservations about the professor. I would LOVE to take history because I own the book, but it isn't needed and I don't want to waste money. I should take statistics, but you know that from above.
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