Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Visiting Eastern Michigan University

So we get to the welcome center at 1:45. The room is packed with people. I fill out this sheet of paper that has my information on it. One by one an advisor talks one on one with a visitor. While I wait I notice they break the tours into smaller groups- like, five people. I got a free shirt. So there are two of us left in this room. Lets call the other girl Tabby. Tabby talked to an advisor already. Finally I get called aside and I get some information (that I already got off the internet) about my two majors. The admissions advisor also tells me that I got accepted! Yay! So instantly I ask where financial aid is and if I can go talk to them. She tells me and I end up running by there after the tour. So Tabby and I are the only two people in the tour group.

Our tour guide, lets call her Neem, was very bubbly. She was a sophomore and majors in speech pathology. So we start touring campus and it is actually pretty small. This made me very happy. I like small campuses. It isn't necessarily a "pretty" campus but I love the historical buildings. The honors college is actually the oldest building on campus and it looks amazing. There was also a building on campus that has burned down twice and they rebuilt it. I guess it was because of the chemistry department. Now the chemistry department is in the $90 billion dollar building for science. I also will be taking most of my classes in here because the building also houses psychology. Unfortunately this building is very far away from the foreign language building, where my minor is housed. I am not sure where history is taught. But hopefully I'll find out.

The dorms. Oh the dorms. The freshmen dorms are pretty much exactly like Northern only a little newer looking. The transfer towers are tiny little things. So when I applied for dorms, I actually applied for one on campus dorm that is for transfers and upper classmen but it isn't a tower. And my second and third choice was an apartment that is about a mile away.

At the end of the tour we ended up back where we started, shocker, right? I went to the mini financial aid desk and the worst part of the visit occurred. This financial aid lady told me that my EFC jumped a little over $3000 to about $7,800. It was $4,651. This jump made me ineligible for the pell grant. Needless to say, I was devastated. We filled out some extra documents and then we went to Ikea.

Many hours later after Ikea and getting dinner in Jackson, we were home. In the mail was a letter from Eastern. Hmm. I open it and it is my financial aid package! In my financial aid package was an EFC of $4,651 and a pell grant!! So then I was thinking someone has to be wrong. So I log onto myemich account to see what it says on there. The award letter I got and the myemich account had the same things listed. So I think the woman was wrong. Or whatever she was looking at was wrong. I am actually going back on Thursday to talk to an advisor and to talk with financial aid again.

So I love Eastern. And I am totally okay with being an Eagle. No matter what I was going to end up there. I almost went there instead of KCC anyways. EMU is also the only university around here that offered the masters certificate of academic advising! It was bound to happen. And my cardiologist will love that I will only be a few minutes away.

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