Saturday, July 19, 2014

Role Models

This is not a movie review. While I do find the movie "Role Models" to be absolutely hilarious, speaking of which, I left that at your house Nicole, Carissa, and Mo (miss you guys!), this blog post is not about that movie.

I am talking about the people that other people look up to. As children our role models consisted of sport stars, actresses, and SpongeBob SquarePants. We didn't idolize them because of what they did. We idolized them because of what they were: "famous." However, I feel like we all need to grow up at some point. Unless we want to be a professional athlete, an actress, or a sponge, I don't think these role models are idealistic. To me, a role model is someone that we can uniquely follow, while keeping in mind that they should make us want to be the best you you can be. (I know that grammar has got to be absolutely awful, but I have yet to figure out how to avoid double wording.) I'm not saying don't admire Payton Manning or Natalie Portman. One does a lot of good charity work and such while the other has a psychology degree from Harvard. But I feel like you need to tailor your role model to what you want your future to be sort of like.

We need to look for people who are living the lives we want to live- or at least key characteristics that you want to achieve. I personally feel that my role model will be someone I meet in the future. There aren't a lot of history professors or academic advisors that have touched my life yet.

This was kind of short. It was on my mind and I wanted to get it out. I found the following article very helpful. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Who are your role models and why?

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