Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Today Marks My First Day of Running!

   I am not going to lie, I have always wanted to be a runner. Running always intimidated me though, especially because of my heart condition. When I would go in for my annual cardiology appointments I would have to do a stress test. For those of you who don't know, a stress test is when people attach things to your head, stick a giant plastic hard tube in your mouth, put you in an uncomfortable gown, and make you run in your bra on a treadmill. It starts with walking, but every like 30 seconds it speeds up and goes faster. I think I got to 9 minutes on my best. I really wanted to talk to my doctor first, but that isn't till August and I want to be able to run a 5K by September. Who knows, maybe I will blow my record stress test out of the water by August!!

   I am not just running to stay fit. I want a healthy body. I want to be able to say I exercise regularly. I want to feel good about myself. And maybe get a tan while I'm doing it. I am also starting to only drink one soda a day and eat healthier. Well, starting fresh today. I really need to get rid of that little bit of ice cream in the freezer though. Eventually I will do a detox which supposedly will make me lose 10 pounds in a week.

   So today's run! I am doing the C25K challenge. That stands for "Couch to 5 Kilometers." This was basically made for me! I never did any physical activity in my teens. I mean I did marching band for 2 years, but I wouldn't necessarily call that HARD work, physically speaking. I also took a dance class. I took online gym. At NMU walking up the big hill was my "exercise" and I didn't do that every day. So I basically sat on my ass every day. Still do. Well, until today!

   I woke up at 9:40 this morning. This way I could run before work and have time to take a shower. Slipped on my running shoes. Tied up my hair. Threw on the headphones. And on I went. Now C25K is an amazing program. Week 1 consists of a 5 minute warm up walk, 60 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds of walking (jogging and walking 8 times) then 5 minute cool down walk. Now, I would like to say it was no problem and I didn't cheat, but I probably didn't jog for 10 seconds when I should have been. I wasn't having any issues until about the 4th time. I noticed my breathing was getting shorter and my posture was really bad. But after I realized it, I fixed it and I slowed my jogging down.

   When I got home, I felt great! I mean, yeah I was tired and hot, but mood-wise, I felt fantastic. I knew that I could actually do this! To quote my cousin, "Only you can make sure you stick with it. It means going out when you don't want to. It means putting off what feels good now (cozy sweats, yummy food) for what will reap long term benefits. It means making a plan, and looking at each week with the mind of WHEN you can fit in those runs, and doing them, rather than waiting for "the moment" to dictate when you'll go. That will never happen." So I really do want to stick to this. She even pointed out a 5K race in Battle Creek on September 27th that I really want to do.

   I have learned I need to start saving for running gear. Stuff like shoes, running clothes, and races. Races cost $25. Boo. So maybe add $10 to my shopping budget.

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