Saturday, June 22, 2013

LB Last Night and A Busy/Exciting Week Coming Up

   So LB came down yesterday and instead of doing a traditional date, which to me is dinner and a movie, we ordered take out from Fazolies and bought Independence Day on BluRay. We got back to my house and ate our scrumptious take out and watched the extended directors cut of Avatar instead. LB really liked Fazolies. I don't know why that made me so happy. Probably because that was my favorite childhood restaurant. After the movie it was time to go to bed. I mean, it was 3 hours long!! So good though. It was so hot last night. We had three fans running in my room and I still woke up all gross. After we woke up I made him lunch and warmed up the rest of my Fazolies and we started Independence Day. I had never seen the movie before, but it had a lot of people I like in it. It was a pretty good movie. After about an hour and 45 minutes LB had to leave. So we paused the movie and said those good byes again. I feel like it's getting a lot harder to do that, you know? The good bye part. I think it's because I know what's coming. In a little over 57 days, he is going to be 8 hours away. And while second semester last year I saw him at least every month, this Fall semester is going to be a lot different. I will be going to school too, so I can't just up and leave for 3 weeks. Yeah. It was really hard to say goodbye today. For me it was clenching my teeth, looking up, and telling myself that if he sees me cry it will hurt him and I won't be anything but a sadness in his life, and so I won't cry and I say all of that to myself while looking up and I swallow even though my throat doesn't want to close and I look back at him and just smile. I mean, I still have 2-3 "planned" visits left. We have the 4th of July weekend, our mini mid-July vacation, and our 11 month. After that, he's gone though. But we still have 3 more visits.

   Well that took a turn that I wasn't planning on! Back to this week. Tomorrow I am running. Woo! Monday I have 7 hours at work which is pretty exciting. Tuesday I am running, taking my COMPASS test and turning in my ACT scores. LB is letting me use his calculator for that. Then Wednesday I have my adviser appt. And I will probably pick my payment plan then, too. Also one of my co-workers gave me her hours for that day because I had it off, and I didn't want it off. I am running again on Thursday then working. Same for Friday. I think I get paid Friday, too. Maybe not though. Maybe Monday. Either way, I'm getting my running shoes soon! Much excite!

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