Monday, June 10, 2013

Captian Sunday, Wedding Receptions, Drunkin' Rednecks! OH MY!

   Last weekend was such a blast! After work on Friday I went to Zeeland and got to see one of my great NMU friends, Fred, in Zeeland! We went to this place called Captain Sunday and I managed to get 1/3 of my ice cream on my shirt. It was great. Then LB picked me up from Fred's and we went to Taco Bell and got some OmNomNoms. Then it was to his dad's house. We looked at pictures of their wedding and listened to some tunes. The boys played darts and then it was bed time.

   The next day LB took me to his dad's wedding reception. This is where I realized A LOT of his grandparents really like me! They kept coming up to me and saying hi and asking how I was doing. It felt pretty awesome. After a few hours, we had to head down to Battle Creek.

   After about an hour drive we finally got to my house. We watched some America's Got Talent and then... CJ and her sister got there!!! My goodness. I have missed CJ since MAY! She is one of my bestestest friends in the whole wide world! We stayed up for a little while, but we needed to go to bed. We had to be up at 4AM!!! So LB, CJ, and her sister all cramped up in my tiny room where we all got about 4-5 hours of sleep.

   At 4, we awoke and started getting ready for birthday bash. We left a little after 5 and got there around 6. After about an hour of waiting in line, they opened the parking lot! By the way, parking costs $40. Boo! They were supposed to open at 8, but I guess they didn't want the line to get too long. So we went in, we parked, and it was off to the actual line to wait for the gates to open. This was fine because we could sit down in our folding lawn chairs. We got our meal tickets in line and since LB didn't have any cash on him, I was totally fine with getting them. So that was $40. We ended up meeting up with a big gang of Zeelanders who I knew about half of. It was nice seeing familiar faces.

   So at 10, the gates opened and A ran to get good seats. I thought LB was going to help him save seats, but he wanted to wait for everyone else to get through... so wait we did. 20 minutes later we were at our seats. We still had about an hour till the show started. First was Charlie Worsham who did a cool cover and some decent music, but the sound check must not have went well because ALL I could hear was bass. Then The Henningsens who were good. I only knew one of their songs though. THEN KACEY MUSGRAVES who I LOVE. LB liked her too. I don't know why, but I was really impressed that she was a brunette. I really liked that about her. When I think country, I think T-Swizzle, Band Perry, Miranda Lambert, Natalie Maines, Faith Hill, etc. All blondes. So I really like when a brunette makes it anywhere. Power to the brown!! FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE was after her!!! I was so worried they weren't going to do my favorite song because it isn't exactly their most popular, but they played it first!! Then they tricked me TWICE by convincing me Nelly was going to go on stage... And that kind of made me want to see Nelly in person. So if he releases another album... winky face... Then there was Lee Brice and Billy Currington. Two people I don't really care about.

   So after Bill C. we chilled in the parking lot waiting to head out. Well, we were trying to head out but thousands of people... Yeah. Major props to LB for keeping his cool. Seriously. I don't know how I would have handled that situation. Also for not running anyone over.

  We got to my house. LB and I said our goodbyes until next time. CJ, her sister, and I had some quesadillas, I took a shower, and we went straight to sleep. We were all so exausted. and 2/3 of us were sunburned. Luckily, I only got it on my chest and forearms. And only a little bit. Vary happy with how it turned out.

   This morning, the girls left at 8:30. I went to work at 1:00. Everything is back to normal. What an amazing weekend though. Thanks LB and CJ for being so awesome.

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