Friday, June 7, 2013

Past, Present, Future: Part 2/3- Present/Future

   So like I said before, I am getting a lot more hours at the CDC. I mean my MAIN hours are 2:30-6. Lately I have been picking up an all day shift here and there. And next week I work 12-6 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! PLUS and 8 hour shift. I don't remember the other day, but I know I have 31 hours and I am too lazy to do math! The other day I talked to my boss and I told her I was interested in taking the Summer schoolager "position" and I say "position" because I will still be a floater (go where they go when they need me) but I will be the first person thought of when the lead teacher needs help. I've heard that's three days a week! Yay hours! When school starts, I will have to talk to my boss again because my classes start at 6 and one class starts at 5:30, so I will have to be out by 5:30, three days a week. That is going to cut back my hours more than you think it will because since I am not a lead teacher, I am a closer. Lead teachers get out at 5:30. Not me. I will probably be only working when people take days off or if someone asks if I can cover their shift. I'm fine with that though. I won't really know what's going on till I talk to the boss. I will do that when it gets closer though. Early Augustish.

   What's going on with LB and me? Good question. Couldn't be happier! I have seen him the last two weekends and again tonight where I am staying the night up in Zeeland then going to his father's wedding reception! I'm really excited. He has some surprise for me! I pretty much know what it is, but he likes surprises, so I will still act surprised... even though he knows I know... but acting is the least I can do! I hate surprises so much. They make me anxious. And nervous. And spastic. And I cry. Not good. LB thinks it's cute and funny... But really I'm a mess. I hate surprises so much that I ruin surprises for him! He already knows what he is getting for our 11 month. Oooops. I also really like his family. Including the new addition of a step mom. I'm taller! This is rare in my life, so I like her a lot. I've also met more of his friends and he has met more of mine. Last weekend I took him to the zoo where we met up with 9 of my friends. He got mooned within the first 5 minutes. Thanks J. But I got an awesome picture of him feeding giraffes! So much fun.

   I know what you're thinking. "What about college Kennedy?? What are you going to do with your life?!" Well I am going to Kellogg Community College. I will be starting as a freshman, but I always have that truth/lie that I took a year off for medical reasons. I am going for my associates in Early Childhood Education. After that I am going to hopefully find a job that pays more than $7.40 an hour and pay off all of college. Then I am going to go to Eastern Michigan University and get my Elementary teaching degree. What is really cool about this plan is one of my favorite co-workers JUST graduated with the same associates degree and kept ALL of her books! So after I see if I need the same ones, I am going to buy what I can off of her. That will save me money somewhere! My orientation is the 18th this month!

   Now I have never had a positive attitude about my body, so after I get paid next and my little brother goes to camp (about a week from now) I am going to invest in a good pair of running shoes and a new diet. It is really a detox and we will see how long I can go. I found this running program called C25K which stands for "Couch to 5 K" and I really think it will work. With my heart condition I am kind of nervous about so much change and activity, but that is why I am scheduling a cardiologist appointment and a doctor's appointment. I know I won't see results right away, but boy, do I look forward to the day where I feel totally comfortable in my own skin. 

   Recently I have also started a budget plan. I put about $100 in 5 different categories then the rest of my paycheck goes in my vehicle fund. Currently taking donations. I change it as I go because it is interesting to actually see where my money goes! I write down every time I spend or get money. I use my old accounting knowledge and everything! I need to add a couple new categories like college and books. Maybe $50 in the first and $20 in the latter every pay check? So $170 would be gone from every pay check and the rest in the vehicle fund? I feel like with the more hours I am getting this would be possible.

   I don't know which of the above has me most excited, but all I can say is I am really happy with how my life is going right now.

Much Liking,

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