Monday, July 21, 2014

Masters Programs

I don't have a notebook and a pen next to me, so I am going to use my blog as a notebook. I am looking up masters programs that are at least near me. I have decided, for now, that I am interested in higher education/administration programs.

Northwestern University - Evanston, Illinois
MS in Higher Education Administration and Policy
Total costs for program: $53,625

Indiana State University - Terre Haute, Indiana
MS in Student Affairs and Higher Education
Total costs for program: $19,000

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan
MA in Higher Education with a Concentration in Student Access and Success
Total costs for program: Approx. $22,000?

I have kind of had my heart set on U of M for my grad studies for a while now. But, you know me, things change.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Role Models

This is not a movie review. While I do find the movie "Role Models" to be absolutely hilarious, speaking of which, I left that at your house Nicole, Carissa, and Mo (miss you guys!), this blog post is not about that movie.

I am talking about the people that other people look up to. As children our role models consisted of sport stars, actresses, and SpongeBob SquarePants. We didn't idolize them because of what they did. We idolized them because of what they were: "famous." However, I feel like we all need to grow up at some point. Unless we want to be a professional athlete, an actress, or a sponge, I don't think these role models are idealistic. To me, a role model is someone that we can uniquely follow, while keeping in mind that they should make us want to be the best you you can be. (I know that grammar has got to be absolutely awful, but I have yet to figure out how to avoid double wording.) I'm not saying don't admire Payton Manning or Natalie Portman. One does a lot of good charity work and such while the other has a psychology degree from Harvard. But I feel like you need to tailor your role model to what you want your future to be sort of like.

We need to look for people who are living the lives we want to live- or at least key characteristics that you want to achieve. I personally feel that my role model will be someone I meet in the future. There aren't a lot of history professors or academic advisors that have touched my life yet.

This was kind of short. It was on my mind and I wanted to get it out. I found the following article very helpful. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Who are your role models and why?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Woah. There Is A Lot I Still Need To Accomplish.

So I was sitting here watching the Bachelorette and reading everything and anything I can about the recruitment process and the sororities at EMU and I realized oh shit. I have a lot that needs to be accomplished before I go to school in 6 weeks!
I don't really know if I can call this a blog post. I think it is really a to do list. Oh well.

1. I need to schedule an eye appointment and get new glasses. I know what you're thinking. Kennedy. That isn't hard. But I need to figure out what places take my insurance. Then I actually have to pick one. I feel like I ask my mom where I should go all the time, to the point where I am annoying. But I also don't feel like I have gotten an answer. Ah well. This needs to be done within the next 6 week.

2. I need to make a list with my roommate about what we both need to get for our room. I already have a lot of essentials (due to living in a dorm before) but I don't know when the best time to do this is. I feel like we should wait until we get our actual housing assignment. That way we know where we are living. Is it August yet??

3. After the list is made, I need to get whatever I don't have already.

4. I really need a new wardrobe. When I was going to Penn State, my step father said that they will budget $500 for me to get dorm/apartment/stuff for school. I'm no dummy. I will first use it for just that. But any left overs, it will be a shopping spree for new clothes. I haven't gone shopping for "back to school clothes" since junior year of high school. I still wear clothes from my FRESHMEN year of high school. I really think it is time for a change. I guess it is a little under $500. They bought me the most amazing blue plates.

5. I need to pack. Duh.

6. I need to make a final decision about where I will be working on campus. This is only if I get more offers, of course. I have an offer from dining services. I had an interview (today actually) with housing and residence life. I have an interview coming up for a tour guide position. I have submitted apps for the library, student center, an honors fellow, and a random day care. Ideally, I would love the honors student fellow position and the tour guide position.

7. I need to buy books. The price for my books this fall (so far) are fairly average. Nothing too crazy. But my language book is $200 alone! And it can only be bought from the bookstore. Damnit.

8. I should buy a statement necklace. I don't know why, but I feel like this is a very big deal.

9. I want to have a $0 balance on my credit card before I go to school. I actually want to leave my credit card at home while I am at school so I don't make poor choices.

10. After the summer semester is over, I need to send an updated transcript.

11. I need to make a list of all the shows I watch so I don't fall behind. ;)

12. I need to sign up for recruitment (August 1st)

13. I need to check the ebill (August 8th)

14. I need to do the whole UofM medical sign up thingy.

15. I should schedule a check up with my family doctor just to do it.

16. I need to stop obsessing over going Greek. Seriously.

6 weeks left. Oh my gosh.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Most Awful Feeling Ever: I'm not going to wake up.

As most of everyone knows, I have LVNC. This is a common uncommon heart defect. One symptom of LVNC is sudden death. I have lived with this my whole life. I have known of this symptom for a majority of my life. I live life to the fullest... blah blah blah.

Knowing things does not make them less scary. This probably happens once a year, but I am simply terrified to go to sleep. In high school, I honestly didn't give a shit if it was "my time" or whatever people were calling it. If I died, I died. I didn't have any huge dreams, goal, I didn't have much direction. Yeah, it would suck and I would feel bad that I left my mom and stuff, but that's all I really had to live for- my mom.

Now I am terrified that I won't get to do everything I want to do. It's like, all I want to do in life is live. "Kennedy, that is the corniest thing ever." I know. But seriously,
I want to learn everything about the world wars.
I want to go to Germany.
I want to dye (some of) my hair blue.
I want to graduate with my bachelors.
I want to graduate with highest honors.
I want to graduate with a killer GPA.
I want to finish the masters certificate program at EMU.
I want to be an academic advisor.
I want to graduate with a masters degree.
I want to be a history professor.
I want to graduate with a doctorate.
I want to have a kid, maybe even two.
Then I want to watch those kids grow up.
I really just want to live long enough to complete that list.

I am scared. More scared than I am every other minute of every other day. I mean, I think I am always scared but there is just so much to live for now. God, I am just really fucking scared.

So I am sitting here, terrified to go to sleep, even though I know that the likelihood of me dying tonight is the same as last night and tomorrow night. That doesn't make the words "sudden death" any less frightening. Sometimes I just want to go talk to a psychologist.

This shit is crazy.

I'm Going to be that 80 Year Old Woman...

It has been a while, huh? I just never really have anything new to talk about. So I guess I am going to talk about my awesome summer classes!

So it started when I decided to take statistics. I was scary good at math in the last two semesters (fall 13 and winter 14) so I thought I should keep it up because the class transfers and at that time I didn't know where I was going. Again, I am scary good at this math class. The professor even told me that I am the best... Anyone who knew me in high school knows how backwards this sounds. I took freaking career math and accounting as my math classes senior year. So yeah. Only one more exam then a final and I am done with this class!

When I realized that I wasn't going to get financial aid for taking just statistics, I had to add 3 more credit hours. I was freaking out because it was already the middle of June! How was I going to find summer classes that hadn't started yet? Hello physical education classes!

It will be stupid if I don't get a 4.0 this semester. I have a 98% in my statistics class and my PE classes are BASICALLY pass or fail. We aren't even graded on participation. We are only graded on attendance. I have only missed one Cardio Tone class (due to job interview) and I am only going to miss one more because of a dentist appointment. Then I will do the make up class and everything will be great. 

I love school. I love it so much. I love learning, whether it be about math and sciences, social sciences, physical education, anything! I love learning and I love going to classes. I am going to be that 80 year old woman (heart permitting) in community college because it is free for old people.