Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Best 5 Days of the Month... So Far...

   LB was here!! FOR 5 DAYS!!!!!

   He drove down, in his now fixed truck, on July 3rd. We didn't really have ALL that much planned but we ended up going to the carnival and Matt Guirard concert at the air port. We started with the carnival which was okay. We went on this reallllllly spin-tastic ride first. LB had to take a break after it. I guess he doesn't really mix well with spinning. So he went and got some food and we found my grandma and mom in the seating area for the concert. Hung out for a second then went back to rides. I learned LB wasn't too fond of these rides. Most of them spun. So our last ride was the ferris wheel. This was nice because we were totally lame and made out every time we were at the top. After that we got a flowering onion and a pina colada slushie and went back to enjoy the concert with my mom and grandma.

   On Thursday it was the 4th of July. Woo independence!! We went to LSr.s house out in the sticks. LSr. is my mom's husband's dad. When we got there one of the first things LB did was try Satan's Blood. For those of you who don't know, Satan's Blood is a VERY VERY VERY hot hot sauce. This is also like initiation into my family. LB took it like a champ! Seriously. I mean, his face got really red, but that is okay. He didn't cry and didn't require milk. Then there was food shortly after. I don't know who made that taco salad, but gee wiz, that stuff was amazing!! After dinner was a serious game of kick ball. I originally didn't want to play. It ended up being a blast though! There were 16 of us, I think. LB was on the opposing team which made me want to win way more than before. I did, by the way. I even got a chance to get him out! It felt like maybe a two-three hour game. It was probably only an hour though. We played to 15. Such a blast! Then they started lighting off little fireworks and it was about time for me to head home. I still had to stop at Walmart for shampoo and conditioner and take a shower. So we were on our way out around 10:30. It was cool seeing fireworks the WHOLE way home. When I got to Walmart, I somehow walked out with TWO shampoo bottles instead of a shampoo and conditioner bottle. BUMMER. I got home, took a shower, then LB and I went to bed.

   On Friday I had to work 1-6. I ended up getting out at 4:30 though because there were not that many kids at the daycare. LB went to one of my best friend, KKM, house while I was working. Then he came and picked me up then we went back over to KKM's house. Just hung out for a while. We went back to my place for dinner and enjoyed some delicious kebabs. Friday was fairly uneventful.

   Saturday we went to Michigan's Adventure! We rode the Shivering Timbers, that boat ride, Thunder Hawk twice, Grand Rapids, that big splash log ride, the Funnel of Fear, and the Lazy River. Pretty relaxing. I got some nice color. It was wonderful! After Michigan's Adventure, we went to one of my co-workers bon fires and just sat back, listened to some good music, and relaxed after a long day.

   Sunday was his last day down here. We went to my grandma's house to meet my new baby cousin. Usually I think new borns look like wrinkly potatoes. I mean, at least until they are 5 months old. Then they start to get cute. But this little boy is freaking adorable at 1 month!! Good job Ry, you made a beautiful baby boy. After that it was time for LB to head back. This good bye wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. He even said he hated saying goodbye. I was unaware of that. So he got his new fish tank and rolled out. I should be seeing him again soonish. Maybe Sunday. But until then it is texts, phone calls, and skype. I love this guy so much and I am so grateful for these 4 days we got to spend together. Wouldn't trade them for anything.

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