Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Going Greek - Sigma Kappa Style

In the summer of 2014 I decided to go Greek. I had seen all the beneficial things Logan and many of my friends from Northern Michigan received and I wanted in. Another big reason I wanted to join Greek life was because I was transferring to a school that no one I knew at the time! I wanted to become a part of something and make friends that would last a life time. Therefore: Greek Life.

So I go to EMU, I am registered for sorority recruitment, and I had gotten my supa fly roomie to sign up as well. We are in different Rho Chi groups which is cool. I also learned I want to be a Rho Chi at some point. We go through recruitment and meet up at the end of the day to talk about each experience we had. Emily ended up getting pref'd by ΑΣΤ and ΑΓΔ. I was pref'd by ΣΚ and ΣΣΣ. I felt a very strong tie to both sororities, but one was just a little stronger. I ended up putting Sigma Kappa as my number one and I ran home to them.

Bid day was great! Shortly after bid day was homecoming. This was a very important event. This is where I met my future male big, but at this point I did not know male bigs were a thing and was not scouting for one. I was just looking for friends. We are paired up with ΑΣΦ and I took this as an opportunity to scope out friends. I love that fraternity so much. So I make friends with future male big and we go get food together a few times and we end up hanging out ALL OF THE TIME and watching American Horror Story together.

So also in the time between bid day and big little match up I messaged nearly everyone on the big little list to truly figure out who I should put on my list. I met a lot of fantastic women. I ended up meeting my big the day before the list was due and she totally dealt with a Kennedy that was not feeling so great and it was so great of her. Even though our family line is tiny, it is mighty.

While I am still trying to find my place in the Greek community, and while it is nothing like NMU's Greek life, I am still enjoying it and I can't wait to become fully acclimated.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Logi and Keni: An Update

Logan decided it was time for a change. After receiving his associates degree in general business at Northern Michigan University, he transferred down to Eastern Michigan to finish a bachelors degree in hotel and restaurant management in Winter of 2015. I know what you're thinking: He went to Eastern to be with you. Well I was afraid of that, too. So I made him make a list of five reasons why he wants to come here other than me. That list included: It is cheaper, closer to home, there is an AΣΦ chapter, different degree, and a better program. While it isn't as strong as I would like, I can deal, because, lets face it, I was so over long distance.

The last few months have been insane. Not only did Logan transfer into EMU, but he transferred into my residence hall... right downstairs. At Northern we lived in the same building, but he was right below me as well. It's weird. So with him being downstairs I stay at his place at least 3 times a week. But usually more than that. He has a single so it's nice. He gave me a drawer to keep clothes in and I have a toothbrush there!

It's still kind of weird to be around him this much. It was definitely a transition at the beginning of the semester, but now it is more of an inseparable type of deal. While the last few months have had ups and downs they have been the best. Now it is the end of the year and we have to separate again. I'm not looking forward to it all.

One crazy thing about Logan being here is that he became best friends with my best friend. Emily and Logan were literally meant to be friends and I don't understand it. While I don't understand it, I do love it.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Summer "Vaca" Indeed

This summer hasn't felt all that eventful. When I take a second to think about it, though, I realize I actually have had a pretty interesting summer.
After working at Rite Aid for a bit, I learned that retail is not, I repeat not, for me. So I did what I knew would make me feel more comfortable for the short amount of time that I will be in Battle Creek: Go back to the day care. Going back has definitely been challenging. I can't believe I only have about five more weeks with my class. I am throwing a goodbye party. I might be back for break though.

I have taken a few trips to EMU. One trip was for an interview with dining services, once to talk to an honors advisor and to sign up for honors classes, and the other was for a tour and to talk to a general ed advisor.

Instead of going to B.93 Birthday Bash, I went up north to see some of my favorite people. Basically Allie, Logan, and myself traveled up to Charlevoix and then Carissa joined us and we went up to some campground in the U.P. I don't remember the camp name, but we got to stay in a cabin and it was awesome. The first night I am pretty sure we just went straight to bed. We got there after 2 AM. So the next morning we got up and Carissa's family was so kind and provided us with breakfast! Then we went on the search for a bugless beach. Guess what. That's impossible. THERE WERE SO MANY BUGS. Oh my gosh. I thought I was drowning in bug. Anyways, we ended up finding a nice little spot to have our picnic. Then we went to a nifty spring where we were surprised by NICOLE! She is so amazing. The spring was beautiful. Then we went downtown and walked around. On the way back to the campground we stopped a few times to take fun pictures and walk to a lighthouse. When we finally got back to the cabin we played poker and watched "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." The most awesome part is that I got Allie, who is on the road to recovery from her third knee surgery, to actually WATCH the show! She is a Khloe lover. The next morning we went fishing! This was my first time and I caught so much! Only one fish I caught was edible. It was so much fun though! Then we headed back down. Shockingly enough, that trip up north was way cheaper than Birthday Bash. And it was more fun.

I see Logan a lot. I don't think we have gone three weekends without seeing each other this summer. This is amazing compared to our usual two months. Oh my gosh. Last time he was here he slept on the floor! I still can't believe it. Ugh. Boys. We have done a few things. We have gone to our first wedding together. We road tripped. He rafted with my family. We sat around all day watching TV/Movies. It has been such a nice alternative to what the usual school year consists of.

I took summer classes! This isn't that big of a deal. I am only taking 7 credits (four of them are physical education classes) but I am really love school and I am so appreciative that I had the chance to take these classes. Statistics is amazing. SERIOUSLY. If anyone has to take a math class at KCC, try to take it with Anderson. He is incredible. He nearly had me convinced I should actually take more math classes. I'm not going to, but he almost got me.

I went on a family "rafting" trip. We just went down the Kalamazoo River. We started in Ceresco (near the post office) and ended in Bridge Park. It was pretty fun. While everyone was relaxing in their tubes, I kayaked. Kayaking was awesome.
